Creative idea
Nitin Shah spots a gap in the market for an independent gaseous fire extinguishing organisaiton that is customer focused, and engages with industry legend Keith Goodall to start the process.
The story begins
Eurotech Fire Protection is created and incorporated by Keith Goodall. Opening with an office and production facility in Sandhurst, Berkshire, UK
First product launch, system and component approvals
EFP obtains Eurotech227 and Eurotech1230 LPCB component and system approval, CPR (CE) approval, and begins to distribute to market, initially in the UK.
Inertech is approved and launched!
EFP obtains Inertech IG-55/01/100/541 LPCB component and system approval, CPR approval (CE), and begins to distribute to market. The organisation is now serving distributors in the UK, Turkey and Africa.
FSL (Firetec Systems Limited) is created to provide a global customer focus, and a clear vision. This becomes the new branding for the company, and the market reach now extends from the UK, Turkey and Africa to include Europe and the Middle East.
New home
FSL conduct a major space and facility upgrade and move their offices and production to Wokingham, Berkshire, UK
Quality and process driven
FSL obtains its ISO9001, Quality Management System Approval and continues to go from strength to strength.
Fresh approval for Inertech
FSL obtains A2P system and component approval for Inertech IG55 200/300 bar, and becomes the first UK based private gaseous extinguishing organisation to hold this approval. This expands FSL's presence in France, and French speaking territory.
New approach
FSL launch their new social media and customer engagement campaign. Focusing on quality, commitment and serving the best interests of its distributors.
Further commitment to quality in the industry.
FSL become full members of the Fire Industry association. FSL held 'honorary' membership through Keith Goodall's links, but committed to full membership on Keith's retirement.
New website
FSL launch new customer focused website, and will develop to ensure it's up to date, interactive and customer driven.... Watch this space!
New product approval
FSL achieves UKCA component approval with the BRE, for all CPR (CE) components in the range.
The first subsidiary company
FSL create a subsidiary company 100% owned by FSL named - FSL Italia. This company becomes FSL's first subsidiary expansion, and is a fiscal and physical production presence in the EU (Italy). Further cementing FSL as an international brand.